Sunday School

The Sunday School year starts in September, but students are welcome anytime. The Sunday School is split into two main groups, the lower Sunday School (for ages 3 to 8) and the Upper Sunday School (for ages 9 to Adult). The Sunday School follows a set curriculum covering stories from the entire Bible, over a 5-year period.  The children are taught in small groups with other children of their age, with age appropriate activities. There is lots of singing, actions, plays, cutting & sticking, painting and all sorts of fun activities to help kids engage with the lessons. Students also have the options of completing a project, and older students can sit an oral or written exam on the year’s lessons.

This year we will be following the Stage 1 notes (of 5 stages) from the Christadelphian Sunday School Association (CSSA), which cover lessons from Creation to Sinai (Genesis 1 - Numbers 10).

To find out more about the CSSA curriculum, please click here to visit their website.

Classes are from ages 3 to Adult and everyone is welcome. 

If you and/or your child would like to visit or join our Sunday School classes, please contact us!
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